

search dogs
the sirens hurt my ears
i’ve been looking for you for years
the police say they’ve found a suspect
but do i really want it to end?
maybe you had a knife to your chest
maybe someone held a gun to your head.
maybe secrets are left better unsaid
would i rather lose you than see you dead?

tie up the search dogs
call the party off.
i’m covered in blood,
and i’m losing it all.
tie up the search dogs
everybody go home.
there are things that you
don’t ever want to know.
where did you go?

we could’ve had it all, and i mean it
but we had to fall into inconvenience
tied up in sheets and screams it’s
hurting my heart more than bleeding.

I don’t wanna kill you but
I can’t love you anymore,
to scared to say goodbye
so I have to hold you close.
I don’t wanna kill you but I have to
say goodbye to the person i was before you.

tie up the search dogs
call the party off.
i’m covered in blood,
and i’m losing it all.
tie up the search dogs
everybody go home.
there are things that you
don’t ever want to know.
where you went, nobody has to know.
© andrewmeyer