

The feeling of grief comes and goes,
Each passing day without you.
Brings me feelings inside that noone knows,
Feelings that turn me extremely blue.

In my mind nothing seems the same,
I rarely told you I love you.
For reasons unknown, I feel I am to blame,
Making me wish there was something I could do.

You were my entire world,
I looked up to you and your guidance.
You always seemed to make me whirl,
When you were in our presence.

Watching you become so sick,
Right up to the end.
Made me feel so frantic,
I just wanted to grow up and be your friend.

I wish I could look into your eyes,
You were so full of life.
I never got to tell you goodbye.
You absolutely loved me and your wife.

To this day I wish I could apologize,
For making it seem so hard.
That memory makes me cry,
But now I can't even send you a postcard.

Each day I really wish,
You could have met your grandkids.
I know this may sound so selfish.
But you could not be prouder.

The day you passed,
Makes me so very sad.
Just have to remember we had a blast,
I love and miss you, Dad!!!
