

Grow seed grow
There is a seed in every heart, and just like any seed it grows in the dark.
Its small and vulnerable but not without a defense,
It has, at it's core, a far greater presence

The deeper the root goes, the stronger the tree grows,

The dept of the roots in the dark determines height,
The deeper the roots the stronger the might,
Though nutured in darkness, it was not a blight,
For the nature of the seed strive towards the light,

Neither hopeless nor helpless though it might seem alone,
Its destiny was greater than the place it had grown,

Such potential should it overcome its duress,
So much life will find shade, comfort and rest,
So much fruits will be made, so many lives will be blessed.

Then soon it will grow and bring seeds of its own,
And many more will be blessed long after its gone,

So grow seed grow,
you are a blessing to many, more than you know.
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