

no more
no more late nights
no more early mornings,
no more screams Nd fights,
no more your never enough for me,
no more crying alone
no more pretending I got this when I am not on my own,
no more fake it til I make it,
that temporary shit couldn't ever work,
no more worrying about what every kunt be saying,
no more of my life in the hands ,
of the people it wasn't safe with, no more wishing they all cared just a little bit more, no more battles no more fights no more good mornings no more goodnights, no more wondering if I'll actually win this fight, it was a war I couldn't ever win alone no matter how hard I fought.it was a war for the amusement of you all while I wore the stress And the scars visible to all but it's my kids that will live with the pain and the trauma from this all , probably jist like me with no others and no love or support but just like me they be better off with none of yall