

Dying Beauty | Live On
In twilight’s shadow, a woman lost and forlorn,
Her beauty stolen, piece by piece,
Sold dream by dream, thus is her heart torn.

Each temptation plucks a petal, a subtle deceit,
Trading time for beauty, the cost grows clear,
Her reflection fades, as darkness takes its seat.

Merciless consumption, a tempest that nears,
Distractions lurk, ready to devour,
Every ounce of grace that once was hers.

Oh, misery, release her from this wicked tower,
Show her a pathway, immersed in light,
Before darkness claims her within its power.

Inner and outer beauty, now a fading sight,
Callous hearts indifferent, consuming with glee,
As her essence fades into the depths of night.

Like deceitful tales, macabre and eerie,
Her spirit, too, corrupted by this twisted dance,
In her desperation, prayers whispered dreary.

Let the language be dramatic, let it enhance,
Each line, a symphony, in perfect form,
Equal words, resounding in a rhythmic trance.

With interlocking stanzas, a sense of fluidity born,
Harmony dancing through each rhyme,
As her plight unfolds, the darkness is adorned.

Her soul weeps, captured in this frozen time,
Yearning for release, from the chains that bind,
To reclaim her lost beauty, to etch her rhyme.

Yet the passage narrows, leaving her confined,
In this tragic tale, her fate unclear,
As she searches for a savior, gentle and kind.

Oh, let her find solace, a presence dear,
To break free from this world of decay,
To restore her beauty, wipe away each tear.

But alas, she remains lost, a ghostly display,
Caught between dreams and shattered hopes,
In dark realms she wanders, forever astray.

Oh, the price she paid, the darkness copes,
With a life once vibrant, now drained and hollow,
Her beauty stolen, whispers considered jokes.

In this sorrowful tale, no chance to follow,
No pathway to light, no redemption found,
For the woman whose grace is now swallowed.

As she fades into shadows, without a sound,
Let our hearts remember her tragic plight,
With equal words, her story resound.

© NightSwimThePoet