

Hurt By Thee Jury
That got a lot
but we about
the struggle of
so we keep on
flipping another
chapter to this pain
painting a new day
on an old rthym
Stating in a different
way I need to be
covered cause others
should. shun other
who never did nothing to um
And who never asked for
Anything but Hello
do be
upset walking by like
I should be dis everyday
or saying hello but at night or
when ever changing the. tone
to harassment while I sleep
Then in the morning running away
changing places
And. say I don't like her
I heard it echoed to many
times to forget
so I still clear of that 2.47 am
until 6.40 am crowd who should
not be sneaking
And for there children
I know you are not to blame
Adults should not have. told you
look see don't be like there
and I will say it how I heard
it Don't be like them motherfuckin people
Goodness they should not teach kids
or teens to. hate on other adults
cussing .And the strangers kids tease
the adult causing more abuse
I pray that we get a cure
for this as well as covid. 19
Pray for all this stuff to dis appear.

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