Between us
As far as a letter goes,
It was nondescript,
The message it carried was sinister.
As for me lost in the throes,
Seemed like our last script,
To gain or lose this wasn't a triffling smoking canister.
Thoughts were random simple,
Now discrete complex and hindered,
I hate 'we should talk' but now's time.
The palms sweaty not a little,
Bits of courage left afraid,
To read my penned thoughts a landmine.
Tread carefully my love,
For love is more than the words weigh,
Maybe the next time I write I'll forgive.
My tresspass a cloth I'll wear above,
My guilt a crown I'll bear the weight,
To hope this gives the closure relieve.
Soaked in cold sweat a racing heart,
Besmirched by insecurities i did some hurt,
Now alone in tears emotions adrift.
A letter in hand stained in tears,
A fist clenched trying to reverse my gears,
But no 'goodbye?' this endpoint came so swift.
© branotis