

Man the Hymen.
When the hymen Is broken
It's more than meets the eye
The rose of pride is taken
So, it is not only when that matters;
who, where and why — all matters.
After all is said and done,
the light-headedness has come and gone,
The outcomes may never be undone.

When the hymen is broken
there is a flow of blood, of life being given
a destiny is either opened or sealed
a world built or downed,
Patterns are set when the bed is wet.
It can only break once
So, you've got to know who it is
that is coming in!

Is he a friend and partner?
Is he a journeyman who is just on a perch for a while,
Only to leave when you're no longer worth his while?
If he is sincere and kind,
and in dealings with you, faithful and true?
Does he listen to you?
Does he cherish who you are?
Or he is just taking an advantage?

Your questions can never be too much
before you leave the hymen to be broken
Ask yourself why; and him, why?
Before you get rolled over by emotions,
Take a pause to ask why?
Why are we doing this?
Life is intentional
Don't live just at the moment,
"for love" may not be a reason enough
even love can be a poison.

Never allow the hymen to be broken
when a commitment is not assured
You should only go all the way
when decency is implied.
The attention should be “you” and not necessarily the act.
Don't give in to sex
when you still afraid of the outcomes.

Going down is symbolic
laying down is pouring out;
your life, your love,
your heart, your pot.
Once given, may not be recovered
Once broken, may be difficult to repair
Doors are either opened or closed
When the hymen is broken
You have to be know which
it is you are doing.


PS: When the hymen is broken is a figurative for first time sex.

#relationship #love #Sex