

Quiver a whisper of sashay and sovereignty.
Pestilence parting from paths of Lunartic swayward children.
Speaking from shows that grasp creation, tickling the senses through scents in the nostrils of lobes and atom smashing introspection.
Ebonight embraces casting lit lanterned latencies.
Pull from the abyss a flame.
Burning dark light of the absolute sending midnight forest light bearers to waltz in starless vaults.
Speak! O' darkness, to the soul.
For darkness over false light, sheets be pulled.
Tired eyes and beckoned swanes of portals, mortals life betrayed.
Royal toil and boiled soil, brings the bright mind high elate.
Fractals of fortitude rip wind currents the the span of the raptor.
Tear! O' sky of earth and lie, to snuff the serpents laughter.
© Sebastian Grey