

love poem 💕💕

My love for you is like the gentle breeze,
That rustles through the trees at ease.
It's like the sun that warms the earth,
And gives new life a chance at birth.

My love for you is like the ocean tide,
That ebbs and flows with every stride.
It's like the stars that light the night,
And guide me to you with their sight.

My love for you is like the endless sky,
That spreads above us, far and high.
It's like the moon that shines so bright,
And brings us closer every night.

My love for you is like a precious gem,
That sparkles bright, and never dims.
It's like a flower that's in full bloom,
And fills my heart with sweet perfume.

My love for you is true and pure,
And forever it will endure.
It's like a flame that never dies,
And burns bright in my heart and eyes

#@By Kings Caleb 👑