

Why are we so different
When we aren't far from the same
Everyone so easily displaced
By a simple line of thought
Opinions are one of our rights
But please have a little decency
I don't expect everyone to agree with me
But at least respect my piece
And I'll always be respectful to yours

Go ahead and take my words
Put them in reverse and call them yours
Now wait and see
Did you think that was mean?
Will I be offended and flip?
Do you want me to slip?
Guess what...

I won't judge

I won't even hold a grudge

I'll respect what you said
But I'll never feel lead,
To disown or cut off
Or put our friendship in cuffs

Just all that I ask
Is you know what you say
Don't talk about life,
Like you know what it is
When there's kids out there watching
When our familys are torn
When half our friends walk away
The other half;
now a foot in their grave

When your in the same boat as me
In the unknown ocean of life
I don't know where to row
You don't know where to go...

I'm not scared of an early forever
So jump in and we'll drown together
Just take a second to think
Should we loose all we have
Because we won't walk the same path?
If we don't move on ahead
We'll both be bleeding red

Please don't hide from me
What it is that you think
I want to know how you feel
Even if it's not my belief
It won't hold back our friendship
Our bond isn't weakened
Let's debate back and forth
Just unload with your words
I'll listen with intent
Wanting to know what you've meant
It will only draw us closer
Unless we force us apart
I don't want my inner circle
To be clones of myself
Opinions are beautiful,
They are a spectacle of color
Would a rainbow be so beautiful
If it only ever shown blue?
That's boring
So please; say what you mean

I don't want everyone to agree
But have just a sprinkle of maturity
Some people are just wack
But most of us aren't
So say your piece
But listen to mine
If we can't compromise
Then I'll walk away
And we'll both be okay
There is no shame
In living another day
© A.ShortzJr.