

Anybody understand the symbolism?
Running free on the vast plain,
The energetic neighs and the flowing mane,
The soft green grass touching his fine physique,
His gracefull walk, his extraordinary speed,
Gave no possibility for the slightest critique.

From the meadows vast, to the long cemented roads,
He jumped and ran and jumped again, free of loads.
He was so happy, one could see it in his eyes
As he galloped freely under the open blue skies.

And as I enjoyed his majestic dance of freedom,
Like lightning came the iron, brutally crushing my thraldom
Engulfing the horse I could see clearly not long ago.
Something changed, but nothing too much.
Just that the happy neighs were followed by silence,
And the lifeless body that remained,
Trickling blood ruin the perfect asphalt.

© Random Legionary (Rudraksh)