

Your kind compliment.
No! you shouldn't have said anything.
you shouldn't have told me how nice that hair looked on me.Then you ask,what did your kind compliment do to me. It changed alot,If you had not said anything you would have remained an ordinary person to me but everything changed after you complimented me.
From that moment;
I lost the confidence to look at you in the eye.
I see you and I become speechless.
Your name brings both Joy and sadness to my soul.
I crave for your attention and affection.
I got the confidence to tell you what I feel ignoring the repercaution of my action on my gender.
I turn pink anytime I see you.
I have this unexplainable feeling when you hug me.
you know why? because I have fallen head over heels in love with you.
Don't ask me what love is..