

Take me back
Oh take me back to the day we met.
You were so tiny that I could hold
you in one of my hands.
Now I see my empty
hands and I ask why.
Take me back to the mornings where
I woke up to a sweet kiss and a little meow.
Now all mornings are the same;
They don't have the color the used to have.
Take me back to the time when we used to play,
when you used to follow me every day,
when I used to laugh all day.
Now I always look down and behind me
but you are not there.
Take me back to those nights when we fell asleep together;
you hugging me;
me hugging you.
Now I use my pillow to calm my heart.
Now I pray to find you. In this life or other.
Just please, let me find you.
© Mchild