

I know the drill of how these things go,
You're supposed to write things down
Let the feelings flow.
Well, I'm not really one to rhyme
But let me just give it a try.

Nice to meet you
I am human, navigating this world
Finding interaction between nature and man
Seeing the beauty of God in this land
I am human
Navigating the divine
God's mighty hand holding mine
The terrors of the physical and spiritual
He puts away from me

I am human
God's lovely creation
The only creation hat was made in communion
The only creation that walks in union
with the creator
I am human
Loved by God
Sent His son to shed His blood
So I can be free to walk in His love
As He looks down with care from the great above.

I am human
Flawed and faulty
Made from dust only
I am human
Loved and despised
My initial design, compromised
I am human
High standards hold me
This life, it gets lonely

I am human
Flawed but flawless
My imperfections, His glory
The love I have, reckless
Every battle I face, victory.

I am human
Made Fearfully and Wonderfully
Every intricate loop,
Every surprising quirk
A proof of master design
The freckles and spots
The veins that pop
The chubby, the thin
The she, the him
All beautiful
All fine
All part of a glorious design

I am human
Made by God
Bound to Him with love's strong cord
I am human
Loved by Yahweh
His words, give light to my way

© ehmah