

Will i be...
In my bed,
Waking up in the middle of the night,
Switching on the light,
And there I be, deep in thoughts
Asking myself if who will I be?

Will I be like the late President Nelson Mandela
From my beloved country South Africa,
And preach Unity amongst all odds,
Become a role model to the whole Nation
And inspire the next generations to follow my footsteps ?

Will I be like the late Maya Angelou
All the way from America,
And sing like an Angel,
Or be an Acter and inspire black people that...
they are more of what they think they are?

Will I be like Barack Obama the President
And have that very similar bold unique voice he has
And to be listened by the whole country,
And aspire to inspire?

Will I be The Great Opera?
will I be that educated and be known for the greatness I've done ?
Will I preach success like she does and always succeed?
Will I be standing in an altar where everyone's watching listening to me speak bold and aloud ?

Or Will I be just me ?
calm, weak, collective and depressed
Neither do I think so,
I'm just a nobody
let me get back to sleep or else I'd be killing myself

I'm still young
I still have a long way ahead
Nature is just a journey

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