

they say the good die Young and the bad live longer
they say what doesn't kill u will only make u stronger
they say in life we each have a purpose of some kind
some of us go out entire life yet that gift we've yet to find
some of us have no idea how words can have such n effect
some of us have trouble communicating so interaction they neglect
they avoid being in crowed places
overwhelmed by so many new faces
theres no confidence behind whatever their talking about
most the time they the ones who gotta scream n shout
because they don't have the ability to grab ur attention
they'll be the first to cause tention
others can speak words that'll grab an entire crowd
they ain't even gotta raise their voice n speak load
they speak the truth they speak wisdom they speak from the heart no lie
you know they have that gift if their words can bring out emotions make u cry
they have the ability to grab their readers
these people are natural born leaders
they don't mind meeting new people they love to socialize
the things they say will memorize
if ur one of these people be wise
don't use ur gift to munipulate
use it to do something great