

The lost world
by Tushar

I remember my grandfather telling me stories,
About his generation and memories,
Strengthening my life with his great lessons,
Which has left me in space with an ocean of conclusions,

Humanity had the value of platinum,
Today, valuable money is available in aluminum,
Epic stories narrated became a mystery,
Now, Everyone is busy making history,

Eating habits kept them healthy,
Ignoring our satisfaction, while hunting to live wealthy,
Made us attracted to worldly pleasures,
In the process, we forgot our own ambitions,

Parents were loved as God,
But now they breathe in the ashram with their ID card,
Sun was our universal clock,
Today we admire watch and wall clock,

Playing outdoor was a celebration,
Modern Kids play Smartphone games increasing their addiction,
Love and emotion was transparent while talking face to face,
Emojis and video call with a fake impression has made the replace,

We live in a world with good and bad things,
You are a talented person so start with new beginnings,
Building control over technology must be our priority,
find the purpose of your life and live with clarity,

This is the poem to all the younger generation, focus on your goals.
Thank you all, Do follow your passion.
