

You And I
Empty pages of our lives
Crave alittle bit of Ink
Can we fake a smile
paste it in our story and believe in it
Should we race with the world
Or forget it and have just You and I
Should we dance to the rules of the universe
Or live by what defines us
Dont be a slave to their thoughts
For the horrors in their minds
Can wipe your own existence
And rebrand you to a prisoner in their thoughts
Focus on us
Let our tale tell a once upon a time story
In the middle of the poisonous murmurs
Take a step and you always find me
In this shattered path and the Maze we live in
A smile and a shoulder is all we need to escape
If you ever lose your way
In This enchanted jungle
May the broken pieces of my heart
Be the only Map you will ever need
© Egudu