

I looked through the rim of his black glasses,
I looked into his deep, black eyes,
He looked back into me with his piercing gaze,
I couldn't control my heavy sighs,
He wore a black shirt that day,
The color I love on my man, any day,
He knew how to talk to me to get his way,
He had rehearsed and imbibed the play,
I ran my fingers through his black hairs,
He smiled as he felt the sweet caress,
He hugged me back, he held me tight,
Never to go away, always be in sight,
All my doubts washed away,
He confessed to me, he is a sinner, but I couldn't care,
For his heart is mine, although it's black,
I love the color of him, I'll always have his back!

© the_little_lady's_diary
#romance #scribblings #the_little_lady's_diary