

Books peep out of the dark cabinet and peek at the pale window,
and keep hopes and procrastinates,
months and months no symposium,
the golden nightfall was used to exist with books
but that nightfall.......

the twilight is prevailed by computers
they are stressed out and anxious,
walking in sleep while taking a nap,
they use cultivated significances,
who's battery use to not get lifeless
but the values do not seem in dwelling
the relations used to explain...

they are unwrapped and are pages isolated from each other,
if any pages spin the page comes out
absents of the leaf the arid and fragile
the words where the words do not execute

a handful of people read books to keep the flowers bunt in,
and smell like letters,
bring towards the heart the books and examine the expressions
books fall, feels my heart is taken off,
without books what will happen??
will they be.........