

26 of 30 | ff
You're laconic, easily swayed the hearts of many.

An icon of mien, establishing greatness amidst diversity.

I looked up to you and how you've stood on solid ground. I may look pathetic that I'm always craving for more, an abyssal connection. I know, for some thought that my heart always fail me but to some reason, I found hope in just by looking at your back as there's spark of curiosity indulged in the adventures of life.

Just like how we've always forgotten to flicker the lights on, we'll always find ourselves embracing the thought of being human, frail and lacking, only seeking that certain human connection.

You've been an epitome of optimistic homonine that the frailty of man couldn't suffice the tiny hope clinging in the heart, embracing its weakness.

Too positive that I forgot the existence of impuissance.

Buried deep in thoughts whereas the sky embrace the liquid surfacing the earth's ground, the flowers will blossom the moment it'll go through its blooming season.

No matter how heavy the rain and no matter how storm would devour it alive, its roots will find way to be still knowing that everything will just pass by--that it is only a season.

© aubby.krrn