

At this hour
moment in time
I end all relation
with the old me
who was
dressed with fear
covered with mad
broken with tears
as of now
I release my inner grow
to find my vibrant soul
unleashing my potential
am signing the contract
whenever the past present itself
before I
I will sue it
beyond pressure
along with its lawyers
its ok if some souls
see I as the old me
success is my introduction
beauty is my definition
I am all I have
I slowly adapted
the moons nature
despite being sorrounded
by billion stars
it always stands out
among the crowd
curved with light
can't stand the dark
bringing the smiles
to lost soul
igniting the flame
of despaired soul
rekindle hope
in wondering souls
building firm foundation
innovating every part
of I entirely
by pouring out myself
In service of others
for I know
its dark out there
© mariahashei