

hopeful wish
Wide awake,
surrounded by darkness
recovering my lost breathe
I remember why I was awake
He made me weep relentlessly again
Oh I wish!
He would disappear
like he never existed...
Once he was beautiful..young lad
but now he is a nightmare..
he makes me despise him
Thoughts of self hatred and despair
Let bygones be bygones...
life taught me this
but no one knows
the bitter truth
I'm a sobbing mess
I'm a lost cause...
he shattered everything precious to me
my hopes, my vision, my friends
until I was left with none
He was fragile or so I thought...
He was anything but that...
he was broken...so bad
I could never fix him...
so I forgave him for all of his words...
and finally left him...
but he still appears like a ghost
Every night...scaring me
only to find me already weeping...for him..
can it stop for once?
can someone make him stop coming in my dreams?
that's my wish...
a hopeful wish...
© @notsopoems..