

2 A.M.
Awake at 2 am
feeling the burning in my chest that I wanted
the soreness in my back I disapprove
my composition and make-up unglued
in a fetal position, my left arm, hard to move
racing like a car through these bitter streets
I keep thinking and thinking when I want to sleep
yet I crash upon the road every hour or so
awakening from my slumber like an alarm is on repeat
beating me over the head with a fast heart rate and hot ears
I'm boiling to the touch
until winter's ice that evaporated comes back with a vengeance
washing over me
like a pair of dirty clothes stuck in the laundry
2 am with a buzzing head like flies live inside in my eardrums
that low hum echoing as I toss and turn in my bed
like I've turned into paper, origami
as if the perfect shape would comfort me
so I stretch my legs for effect, to relieve all the stiffness
but my only wish at this moment is to be rid of this sickness
it's hard for me to already stay still through the night
without adding pitchforks and knives in my spine
for uncomfortable delight
2 am and I can't keep my hand steady
the device I'm typing on
although in reality, really light
feels heavy tonight
but I must empty out my brain waves
so it's quiet behind eyes
so I don't have to sigh 10 minutes later
when my dreams don't reply
and I sit staring at my tv in the dark
frying my eyes for if I turn it on
I'm awake all night long
irritated and deflated for the new day
so please side effects, the good luck ghosts
let me sleep
I don't really want to stay up one more hour
writing an apology 7 years overdue
if you don't have a clue
I'll explain again another way
it's 2 am, 2:30 to be exact
so I say farewell and fall down the wishing well
please grant my wish tonight
let me sleep at least 4 hours more
so that I'm not angry at the morning light
yet sleep betrayed my request
facing the next day
like a skipping stone
running, trying to make it however far I can go
until I inevitably crash without seeing the shore
my shores are always receding
receding until
I confuse myself
thinking they never existed to begin with

© Crowthepoet