

You lied.
You lied,
About who you were,
About why you were here,
About your intentions,
About your thoughts.

You lied,
About everything,
But that doesn't matter -
You hurt the people I love,
And for that, I won't forgive you.

You lied,
How do I even know if you uttered a single truthful word?
Did you even think about us? For even a minute?
How do I know if even an inkling of you was real?
Exactly, I don't.

You lied,
Why did you do this?
Give us a reason,
One good reason, and I'll forgive you.
Why did you do this to us?

You did this.
You caused this.
And off you run,
Like the coward you are.
Keep running -
That's all you can do anyway.
© D.M Wright