

the fear of being rejected holds one back.
the fear so vast and dark as it grabs a hold of your mind and fills it with little lies and uncertainty.
your heart crumbling into pieces and yet still throbbed as you yearn for their love and attention.
not knowing how to reach out,
not knowing how to catch his attention, you decide to stand by the sidelines.
once in a while you text here and there, hoping they will grow affection towards you.
to some texts he replies, but to some he does not and leaves you on, read.
you think of him day and night just waiting for his text.
does he do the same? or are you just another girl in his snaps or dm's?
night's after night's you giggle and laugh after reading your old texts.
but then a certain sadness hits you.
does he even care about me as much as I care for him?
you want to tell him how you feel, but your fear holds you back.
the fear of being ridiculed and laughed at. you're afraid you will lose and ruin the relationship you have with him now.
even if it is not the best it is at least something.
you do after all always look forward to his replies and check your phone continuously.
you know he is the one for you,
but are you the one for him?

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