

The Less Dead
The less dead
Those forgotten, unnoticed, and on the edges
The fully marginalized
Hookers, addicts, mentally ill, the homeless, the poor
We are the less dead for our deaths bring no outrage
We vanish, disappear, go missing
No one raises the alarm
Our disappearances go unnoticed, unseen
You could care less
It takes a pile of our bodies
Mass murder
Multiple victims
Before anyone sees a pattern
Puts two and two together
For every suburban house wife that vanishes
It takes three maybe four of our deaths
To even warrant a look in our direction
Maybe they’ll do something maybe not
But us less dead are still humans
With families
Are we truly less?
No one deserves to die like that
No matter what their prior transgressions
But do not throw us to the wolves
There is a reason we are such common victims
Throw away people
Human prey
To human monsters
Evil predators
That can kill with impunity
Because they choose those
No one will miss
The lost souls
People of the streets
The less dead

© Elizabeth Moore