

I'm meant to be yours
you dont know what your doing to me

waves crashing over my body as I try to get up it pushes me back down again

drowning in my own tears

as I try my best

to earn your love

but you wont take my effort

you push me away again

like you always do

I'm meant to be yours

why arnt you acting like mine

I'm just loitering in the line

hoping for you to finally notice me

and to sit down and have some tea

at least that

I'm meant to be yours

your meant to be mine

why do you keep pushing me away

I just want love not just friendship

do I really have to say

I love you in the chat

just so you could say it back

I had enough

I'm dying

I'm craving for just a hug of of you

it's not fair

why does it have to be me

cause all you do is use me as a puppet by the hair

© Poet146