

Just after a gentle shower you see a rainbow,
While going through the woods in cavorting auras,
The birds are all so friendly wherever you go,
In every tree they sing you a chorus, It's just the way it is, animal love me
and come to me some even fallow me wherever I go. There's a parakeet falcon, that comes to me when I call,
I never thought much of this, which is so much like I am, don't give myself much credit, because I always have others on my mind so I don't know what I feel, but nature loves me to be sure I love her back and do my best not to ask for to much. a lot of people talk to me of God and what they think he is, I've been kind of person that doesn't believe unless I see or witness or go through, and it seems to me though I see their point I see as mute the simple fact is this beautiful planet provides everything we need, guy a mother nature the world the universe too, take care of the birds and the animals for free what do you...