

From Darkness To Light
In the abyss I dwelled, embraced by despair,
Enshrouded in darkness, no solace, no air.
The distant light beckoned, a glimmer of hope,
But doubt held me captive, afraid to elope.

"Will they accept me?" echoed in my mind,
The darkness taunting, urging me to stay confined.
Years I remained, in this void, so cold,
Where sadness consumed me, its stories untold.

Yet curiosity stirred, a flame inside me burned,
The light's allure called, and my spirit yearned.
Unknowingly, I set forth on a daunting quest,
Through trials and hardships, I'd put myself to the test.

The journey was arduous, countless years passed,
Till at last, I arrived, tears streaming down fast.
For in that radiant glow, I found a new abode,
A haven of warmth, where love and joy bestowed.

But a voice from the darkness, it echoed with disdain,
"Return to your roots, where you were once sane!"
Yet the light intervened, granting me the choice,
To stay in its embrace, to let my heart rejoice.

So I chose the light, for darkness has no claim,
Forever I'll reside, where love's eternal flame.
No matter how the shadows may try to weigh me down,
In the brilliance of the light, forever I'll be found.

© Mikhail