

A Dreamscape Mechanica

Salty bitter air fills the scorched lands surrounding a mechanized sounding atmosphere.
Sparks ignite a fuel ridden landscape which gave way to the surrender of mankind and it's end drawn near.
clanking metal and the voices of a congested populous arise in a crowd of digital lifeforms.
extra-gravitational structures create the perfect silhouette of what remains a once thriving City.
Colors of all dimensions peer through the clouds of dust and smoke creating a haven for everything artificially made pretty.
Columns of iron rise as high as the eye can see.
A forest of skyscrapers built atop robotic foundations.
Humanoid creations manufacturing the sense of what once use to be free.
Heavy waterfalls flowing in a river of megabits and information in a vast flow of sequence and commands.
Not a single breathing soul is found, what happened to everything?
Am I just dreaming a vision of a future unknown?
Snap out of reality,
this must be the future we bring.
Flying machines, personal transport vessels.
A giant wheel like building spinning around stirring the air.
robot Mecha humans, fragmented beings in this world they share
A language barrier like one of which has never been heard.
Devices telepathically linking themselves with the mainframe.
Able to communicate to everything without one single word.
So much detail in the art on the walls.
level upon level of shopping in massive sized malls.
there's far too much for my brain to fathom.
I'd rather be there than here now or even back then.
© Derrick Peterson