

My Vow
I prayed to GOD for the woman that was made for me. God saw my heart and heard my prayer and like Adam an Eve, he made a companion from a rib. I told you that I believe you are my rib. And with us together, I feel complete and whole.

I vow to continue to give myself to you. I promise to remove the parts of myself not made for companionship to allow room for qualities necessary to make us last. I promise to actively work to make you happy and comfortable. I promise not to settle down, but to strive up because I only want us to go up from here. I promise to be a listening ear, a soft shoulder and a comforting hand.

And finally I promise to be a father to our children. I was raised that there aren't any steps. I marry the woman, I marry the child. I promise to be present and active in their lives. I promise to help raise them into the kings and queens they're destined to be.
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