

I wonder
I wonder...

I wonder if Tomorrow ever gets tired,
When she's always kept waiting just for today to end,
I wonder if Yesterday would ever get fed up,
When she's always forgotten and replaced again and again,

I wonder if clouds ever feel pain,
When they let the rain out of their belly each time,
I wonder if leaves even catch a cold,
When they're blown away by the sinister cold breeze,

I wonder if the sun truly lives in the heavens,
When I have seen the sun set go down below the horizon,
I wonder if this freewill we brag about is the same as freedom,
When I have seen how free the sky, the wind and the ocean all are to move about,

Oh I truly wonder about many things,
Because at the very end of the beginning of my thoughts,
All I'm left with is so many wonderful and dreadful wonders.

And I wonder what's she wondering about too 😂

Daniel Israel
