

We are....
We are an endless stream of nows, what ifs, and remember whens

We are dreamers, believers,
We are the next generation,
We are the hope,
We hope because we dare to dream of a better life.
We hope because we want a better world.
We hope because we want a world with a little less pain, a little less judgment
We hope for a world where love is love
We hope for each other to understand gender and orientation is just a label and we are so much more
Humans are more than just a simple label
We labeled for so long to make ourselves comfortable in our little bubbles
We embrace ourselves but
We have to be the hope
The hope to so many
Life can be amazing
Life is a mindfuck of crazy circumstances that should break us and at times make us give up
Life is love,hate, sadness, absolutely amazing but heartbreaking
Life is all the people we love and lost and hurt and helped
We are hope
We are us