

Feeling like my last breath.......
I'm in a mess
The reason I can guess
Yet my life is going full of stress
I'm unable to unveil the power using which to it I can press
Feeling like I'm breathing for the last time
Feeling like I'm walking for the last time
But see,yet I've kept all your promises
But it resulted as my biggest crime
You are cheating on me but I'm blind
.... I'm ignoring
Can you get a person again of my kind?
No;never..you can find
You are stupid you can't appraise my value
Can you still get it if I say all this to you?
Again the answer will be no
......Well forget all those stuff for a while
Can I get a purpose to continue my story,
If I can get to know?
Way ahead in my journey is completely blur
Have many things to say,but let it be under my tear's fur

A jumbled,messed up poem.......only few will understand, although only few people will read it....

© King