

things are very things are very funny when you look back at life
yes as we as we live and we learn that a lot of things happen around us that we don't know anything about but same time we don't appreciate and focus back on that things that happen but it's funny to me because I've seen people but same time I look back now as everything happened the betrayal the publication going to court judge not only did degrade me because it was so used to being like that in the state and I don't know why he told me to get a job and take care of myself when I wasn't wrong but when you're wrong you're wrong and some people just don't face reality but I realized myself and I know my worth and guess what it was just funny seeing your friends your kids your husband your father your sisters and your brothers and your spouse sister and brothers and friends and family I thank God that he removed me out of a real ugly place and he said I don't have to have nobody in my table that don't deserve me and I'm glad that I don't have to have nobody at my table that don't deserve me anybody that grudge on me anybody jealous of me anybody envy me I was stay away from me God is not going to let them sit down
© Selena Ellison