

Lost in time,
weaved with memories,
It was but an old house,
With Children giggling, chirping and fighting spouse.
Beyond the fights we're still love left,
They would sit cosily as the dusk set.
There was festivals enjoyed,
With lots of humor and glow.
What happened suddenly, what went wrong?
Destiny had unfold something and blew the flow.
Children were grown into mature adults,
The fighting couple, grew old due to lives souffle.
The mature adults went out of country to study and settle,
The old couple use to still fight, and waited for the return of their pebbles.
As Days passed by no one returned,
This made the oldies to wither yet dwell.
Their life ended with holding hands,
The Pebbles returned to attend the last rite.
They should have come to see their originators once,
But they being busy,didn't turned.
The house was locked, the pebbles flew back to their land,
Now, I am still the old house, with lots of memories treasured in my eyes....