

The Broken masterpiece
It's been 9 months, three weeks, 4 days, and 2 hours since my last love letter. A sad song, with sadder lyrics: begging you not to leave me. But, I guess my letter wasn't sad enough, or maybe I am a fool in denial.
Every day I struggle within myself: trying to refute the smallest insinuations that you did me wrong. Yet I grow weary every day, losing the color of my skin to starvation and thirst; as my heart hungers for what we once shared: a love akin to... no other.
who would have thunk that two best friends in love could cultivate such hate towards each other? But then, life will not be worth living if it doesn't ruin our lives with damning surprises.
It's been many moons and many nights since I parked my car on an open field: to lay across the trunk and count the stars.
lovely times they were; when I would stare at the clouds for many hours looking for a blazing star to remind me of you. certainly, I was naive. I remember how you used to call me sweet names like my star, my light, the angel of my dreams... and we would laugh intensely at your witty jokes.
Oh, the laugh we had. such sweet laughter, so deep and true. At least for the time they lasted. But they were not to last.
Maybe those laughter were true for me, but they weren't for you. Regretfully, it took you leaving my side for me to realize that your happiness never arose from cheap jokes.

It's been a lifetime and a day since my phone chimed to notify me of your endearing text. The minutes we spent together; professing our love to each other, are too many to count. How amazing it was to share those beautiful moments with you; smiling and giggling like teenagers on recess. No word could, can, or would ever quantify the intensity of my love for you. But behind that mascaraed face and powdered nose lie the true feelings you hid from me for many moons. Oh, what I would have given to see your face light up like a Christmas tree yet again. Even if the laugher is fake and your eyes full of hate, I will still cherish the magnificence of your titter.
It's been a new beginning for you and me, but my love for you has never wavered.
Many times over, you have crushed my foolish heart. My sweet loving heart that did nothing wrong but to love you. Howbeit, in its shattered and broken state.
With every reconciliation, you devise new and effective ways to crush me. Yet, my heart clings to you like silk in steamy weather. A thousand new pieces have broken off of the thousand pieces that you left behind during the first break. Now, I have a thousand more pieces of bleeding hearts to love you by.

It's been dreadful and grim watching this love story crumble. The perfect picture in what would have been "a movielike coexistence" has lost its way from the shelf. Now, with its glass shattered into two thousand pieces across the floor, it becomes a masterpiece. Not as intended, but a masterpiece still: A disastrous masterpiece with an ominous magnificence.
Forever, I promised. But without the chance to live it, I can only hope that the memories of me you have with you take that long to fade away.

© shalex