

Dreams Are A Map
Dreams are map
Guide from the Heavens
Where, who and what you are to be
As long as you work smart
Little is free...
That is the hardest part
Anything that falls to your feet
Question, with a big question mark

Dreams can be gifts
What comes through your path
To be
Listen with your soul
Look into the heart
Put together what you are
Being told
Smooth out the rough patches
Too easy, later on
Will break up with burns
Hard lesson with Tiff's
Remember, anything that falls
To your feet, too easily
Question with a "What, if"

Maps are given to you
Sometimes it is hard to get
To the destination, ahead of you
Layers of an unwrapped gift
May be a little work
But, there is no question marks
Plus, you should be able to answer
The "What ifs"
Sweet is the reach
Wakes up without legal breach
© Cynthia Inouye-Sakacs