

Just Because I am Antique
If you like wearing short clothes, wear it,
If you like makeup, do it,
If you like going to pubs, go for it,
If you love pretending fake, pretend it,
If you like drinking, smoking, just do it,
If I like traditional clothes, let me wear it,
If I don’t put makeup, let me be that way,
If I don’t go to pubs, don’t force me to come along,
If I stay real and hate pretending fake, deal with it,
If I don’t want to drink, smoke, then don’t tag
me as old-fashioned.
If I do not go with the trend just let me breathe in my comfort zone do not try to steal oxygen to make me die someday just because I do not fit in your space. Great ones usually do not fit it, so it is okay! Everybody is unique so what if I am Antique.

Instagram- Garima_Pradhan09
By - #GarimaPradhan