

I was staring at a blank paper, I thought I'd write something about you. But how should I start? What should I say?

It took me long time to realize that I don't really know you. I can spell your name, say some facts about you, but I still don't know YOU. I wonder if you know ME. I think about you most of the time. I'd speak to you when given a chance. I'd like to think I feel something special for you, but I'm not really sure.

I'm too interested in you that I constantly feel invested when it comes to your needs. I can always offer you both of my shoulders during bad times. I'd listen carefully in all of your stories, rants, and thoughts. You can be certain I'd give you the best advices I could think of, so you could rely on me more. For you to realize that you can trust me in any case. And I want you to trust me. I'm keeping myself available for you can have me on your convenient time. Heck, I'd even adjust my schedule just to match yours. I feel delighted whenever you initiate to talk to me, it'll always felt like the first time. Maybe because we're so used to start our usual talks with me asking you random and silly questions. Growing interest in your humble and important opinions. You are an epitome of my bias, just so you know. And I always need to adapt to your paced and mood just to keep our conversation longer and worth remembering. I just want to reminisce some good memories with you. But it's funny how you always managed to end it unsatisfying and sometimes disappointing, at least on my part. That's unfair. And it isn't justifying the fact that I'd still look forward on our next talk.

I can't help but to just admire and support you from a safe distance, where you can only find if you would look for me. I feel jealous to others, yet I can't let it overwhelm me. And I just realized I'm always waiting for you, I don't even know if I would consider giving up. Even so, I'd still find myself going back to the same situation, doing the same thing all over again. Maybe I just really like you.


[photo not mine]