

Whispers of the Storm
The heavens are making lines in the sky,
Followed by roaring sounds,
So loud, could be heard and seen wondrously high,
With bits of colossal shaking pounds
The sky draws lines with heavenly might,
Roaring sounds follow, reaching wondrous height.
Loud booms shake the ground all around,
As lightning flashes and makes its sound.

The storm's music plays in the dark of night,
Raindrops fall, making everything right.
Trees dance and sway with the wind's command,
Leaves rustle, clapping with nature's hand.

Gloomy clouds collide, painting a dream,
A stunning sight that makes you beam.
Nature's power unleashed, a force so strong,
Yet a beautiful sight, like a timeless song.

The winds howl and whisper secrets untold,
Telling stories in a language old.
In every lightning strike, a tale is told,
A reminder of nature's power, bold.

Amidst the chaos, let wonder take hold,
Nature's beauty, a sight to behold.
In storms, find peace and feel the awe,
Nature's artistry, beyond any flaw.

So let's admire the storm's grand show,
Find joy in its symphony, let our spirits grow.
For within the tempest, beauty resides,
A testament to nature's art worldwide.
© Victor uriel