

I sat in the middle of my roof top
To capture the feel of sitting between four walls.
Though the sky was open,stars spoke often
And they told me about the boundaries.

I had the great wall of dependence in my front.
The past was behind.
The fight for self independence was at my right
And the left has the society's narrow mind.

Confused me held my head up
To ask a way through.
The stars were glad to reply
"Never let yourself down in the actions you wish to do".

In life, the biggest blessing we have,
Is the sky up above.
Whenever we're struck
It has those twinkling stars to show us the way.

These stars that speak to me
Are more numerous than droplets in the sea.
But each tell me the same story of their life.
The obstacles they faced to survive.

Uncountable values turned them stars
And I strongly believe I have the best friends.
These stars that are so supreme to all
Yet they are so down to earth.