

Darling Dad

I was only a kindergarten,
When out of this land you were taken,
I knew less than nothing I couldn't be heartbroken,
Now the senses I have gained and answers I demand.

Mother, sister and I you left never to return,
Cruel in-laws their hands we landed,
Rubbing the mockery on our faces,
Enduring we have though the rope not so tight.

Head of the family the father is,
A role you couldn't hold on so tight,
Why didn't you let mother be and a backbone a role you assume?
Why choose the soft way my hero?

Ups and downs a life I passed through,
How do you feel now a grown up I am?
I know the angels must have informed you,
Baby sister an iron lady she is with no your availability.

Hero's don't quite a postpone they do,
Do you derive joy in the gap you left?
Do you watch and smile when they mock me as fatherless?
How sweet is it to rest peacefully when your daughter assumed your role?

Dozen questions I have but I have a heart,
A human heart to pity you when you didn't,
Exposing us to suffering all thanks to you,
I am my mother's daughter turned husband lacking never will.

Name : June Mwangangi
Pen name: Zari
© Zari