

Blood and Algae
deify me in pink

like the roses I offered to you

a sacrifice

bring them to the altar

I know you don't believe in marriage

just pray to me

just pray for me

to Dionysus

to Hermaphroditus

burn sage in my name

be a sage of my name

deify me

redefine me

you are god

and I am your reflection

in the Spring of Salmacis

deify me

refine me

not like you did us

the waters are dark now

paper roses will never bloom


watch me wither with them

as you look into me

as you look in to me

waters murky

mirrored but wrong

when viewed

through the hue

youve filtered

us through

filter it out

wasn't I good to you

in clarity

when you saw me

when you wanted me

when I made you love me

and you wanted what we had

I did so bad it hurt

I was so bad

so hurt




and I can't go back to before that

to the mask I wore when you hurt me the first time

or the second

it doesn't work anymore

you healed the wounds

that held it in place

I can't hide myself from you

you see the real me

perception is reality

through blood and algae