

The sea
I´m at the sea,
and the rythm of it calms me.
I wish I was a piece of this,
a drop of water at the sea,
searching for that other drop
and that we stay together,
it´s a methapor, a daydream,
I know. The sea, with al it´s
mystery´s and secrets, the sea
yes, the sea, when I´m there
it becomes a part of me, than
I´'m just one with it, united.
It´s going to get stormy now,
and I´m going away, a group
of seaguls screaming above me
looking for their food, it´s the
end of the day. From time to time
I must be there, there at the sea,
I feel a connection with it, a bond,
And it will always be that way,
the sea, it always be there, like
it´s waited, waiting for me.
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