

Some Kind A Clear
#Invisible #Soul #Sacrifice #Religion #LGBTQ

Dear world,

See through clear transparent invisible... what?
That was the truth, and... now...
is the truth.
Any mistruth, lack of it, or
that somewhat bent... is... spent.
Went camping in a tent and
met a Rose.
Missed glamping, gone dancing, and
met a Jack.
I said, 'You can stay', or 'I'd like to stay', but my personality didn't have full sway.
Many liked me, but those moments
were jaded and it was too obvious.
Growth stunted, both grunted,
and laughed about on about their marry way.

It's for the best that time moves on...

More people, more time, pass by...

Speaking of Transparency, I don't applaud or support hate crimes against those who fly the rainbow flag, in these modern days... but... I still can't agree changes, referred to as transionsions, are healthy.
I flew that flag and I want to say, 'I don't anymore', but I do.... Just... not for them.

I imagine the one I fly looks like this: A white flag with nothing other than a simple standard primary colored rainbow in the middle. Such represents the rainbow our Creator gave as a promise to never send the floods the way He did. As far as floods we see now days, our greed brought global warming on, not Him.

Fast foreward to a clearer time...
Some came to say I wasn't being transparent, as I spoke the full truth.
Oh how much I wished to be unseen then.

Speaking of Transparency, I make it aparent I am a parent who says, 'This is not for my children's eyes or ears in the slightest, even if you're fun in appropriate ways.'.
'Translucency', is what some need to really say, while not so loosely.

How to reference?

Don't scald the honesty out of my transparency while I sit here sharing that liberating is not always liberty but robbery of the future that sprouts from our lives.
I've realized my eyes have seen what I now wish I have unseen the obscene scenery of!

What disturbances my generations parental figures were to us! What's to be said about those people in very old pictures who look eery as they were hardly ever caught smiling? Yes they raised our parents who raised theirs, and then us. I love them too, but... What did they do?
This is what we are ALL dealing with here!


The Spirit in Paul contended with the sinful nature he inherited from Adam and Eve.

Was he Double Minded if he always...