

We found each other at last
You are the most amazing sister god could have given me
You love me more than anyone could love me
You stood by me when I needed someone
You came in my life because god send you to me
You love me when no one else did
You stood by me when I am in trouble
You are everything I wish for in a sister
You do things that no one would dare to do for me
You teach me new things everyday even if you don’t know you are doing it
I appreciative everything you do for me
You are my hero
I look up to you
You are only person can say something to me and I don’t do anything about it
We fight
We curse at each
But in the end we still love each other
You promise me a lot but I hope you keep them
I really wish they come through
We are family whether we like it or not and nothing in the world can change it
We were meant to find each other
Even if you don’t want me in your life I am going to still be there
You can say anything to me but I won’t take it personal
You felt me because you think that I would betray you but only if you have known that I would never some things like that
I am always going to be here and I won’t leave you for anyone
We are sister
We are friends
We are family
So we shouldn’t let anything come between us

© Mellisa