


I started at 11
I thought that
I’d found heaven
That my body
Could make me
Feel this great
I continued
For a while
And then something
Made me smile
When I found
I could ejaculate.
This continued
For a span
I felt like I was
Quite the man
Until the first time
I was with a girl.
My groin became
Quite thick
And she was
So very slick
Within a minute
I released my pearl
As embarrassed
As I felt
She made me
Feel no guilt
She said to stop & see her
She explained
A woman’s body
Was not a simple copy
Of a man’s,
But together we were harmony
She told me
Even as I aged
My body might
Get enraged
If I loved
The girl I was with
To avoid an early end
And the message it
Would send
She said before our date
I should go masturbate
So that my stone
Would not become
A granite weight lith
I did it
And it worked
I had a feeling of rebirth
I had control though still quite young
But now I’m just getting old
And with no woman in the fold
I fall back to a
Familiar place
And with retrograde ejaculate displaced
I don’t think of where my things will be flung.
I just put my hand
Into no man’s man land
And grasp the joystick
Putting phasers on stun
Before you know it
I fly into the sun.

© Daxyl